CorelCAD is a 2D and 3D CAD design piece of software that is supported on Windows and Mac operating systems.
The utility offers a wide array of drawing tools and also provides a command bar, which can be used for drawing in a more precise manner, just as it is generally expected of a good CAD application. Objects in 2D and in 3D can be designed and edited, and the user is offered the option to implement operations such as "mirror", "union", "subtract", "chamfer", "split", "fillet", "stretch" and others. CorelCAD includes a set of useful layer tools that allows users to work with multiple layers at the same time. Voice notes can be added to a drawing, which can ease communication between team members or between service providers and clients. The interface, mouse actions and keyboard shortcuts can be customized. The output file can be saved with the DWG, DXF, DWF, DWT and SHP extensions.
Given that DWG files are supported, importing and exporting such files from and to other CAD applications are made possible.
Aimed at engineers, architects and designers, the utility provides support in 2D and 3D CAD design, offering the appropriate tools and commands for a good performance.
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